Ecclesiastes ep.3: Empty Pursuits
This weekend, we continued our Chasing the Wind series by diving into Ecclesiastes 2:1-11, where Solomon reflects on his pursuit of pleasure, achievement, and material wealth. His conclusion is striking: all of it, apart from God, is ultimately meaningless—a chasing after the wind.
In this passage, Solomon recounts the many ways he tried to find satisfaction “under the sun”: laughter, wine, great projects, wealth, possessions, and every indulgence imaginable. Yet, after experiencing all that life had to offer, he realized that these pursuits left him empty.
Here are a few key lessons from this week’s message:
- Earthly pleasures cannot satisfy eternal longings. While pleasure and success might bring temporary enjoyment, they can never fulfill the deeper needs of our hearts that only God can meet.
- True joy comes from a life centered on God. Solomon’s search for meaning reminds us that a God-centered life is the only life that brings lasting peace and fulfillment.
- We are created for more. The futility Solomon experienced points us to our ultimate purpose: glorifying God and enjoying Him forever.
This week, let’s reflect on how we can focus our lives on what truly matters:
- Examine your priorities. Are there areas where you’re chasing after temporary satisfaction instead of seeking eternal significance in God?
- Shift your focus. Intentionally pursue time with God through prayer, worship, and His Word. Invite Him to re-center your heart on Him.
- Invest in what lasts. Consider how you can use your time, talents, and resources for God’s kingdom rather than for fleeting pursuits.
Solomon’s words challenge us to look beyond the distractions and empty promises of this world. As we learn from his reflections, we are reminded that the only lasting fulfillment comes from a life lived for God.
Let’s continue to seek the eternal as we walk through Ecclesiastes together. And be sure to join us next week as we dive into Beyond the Grind, exploring Ecclesiastes 2:18-26 and discovering how to find joy and purpose in the midst of life’s daily work.

James Armstrong
Lead Pastor